Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sweet version of a sweet song!

It's Tuesday! Well...technically it's 12 a.m. on Wednesday morning but who's keeping track really?
Man am I a huge slacker, I committed to posting a new song every week and here I am posting my second song three months later. I'll be better...

Hopefully you guys are digging the songs. Write me a note and let me know what you think each week.

This week's song came across my ears completely by happenstance...
So there I was, scrolling through the DVR at my buddy Seth's house when I came across a program from Palladia (a sweet HD concerts channel) called "Peace One Day Concert." Intrigued, I started the program and this was the first song, "Heaven" by Bryan Adams. The arrangement is so simple yet musically powerful.

Sweet song, sweet arrangement, killer sound, and an impressive vocal variation by Mr. Adams.

Here's the link to the song on youtube. Please check it out and let me know if you like it!

PS: For a good laugh, check out the violinist's facial expressions at the end of his solo, you'll laugh, trust me!

1 comment:

amber said...

Bryan Adams is definitely a talented musician. I love that rendition of "Heaven" so much! ...and I must admit I laughed a few times at the violinist. I mean...was he crying, constipated, or in love with Bryan? Not sure, but it was great!