Sunday, October 12, 2008

Jacksonville is my new home!

Quick entry tonight! I moved back to Jacksonville, where I worked for two months at the beginning of the summer. Alicia told me on the phone tonight that it snowed in Utah? Yeah, I went to the beach was pretty sweet, oh, and SUNNY! Anyway, the main reason I wanted to blog is to post a few pics of my new girlfriend Amanda Anderson. She's an amazing girl...and the reason I moved back to Jacksonville.

That's all I have for tonight. Love you all!


Rachelle said...

So what work are you doing in Jacksonville? Is your girlfriend from Florida? you guys look good.

Melissa said...

wow tay...she's a lil hottie!
we'll miss ya but it looks like youre very happy:)

Melissa said...

hey do you still blog? i saw your new website off of your facebook page, but it wouldnt pull it i was wondering if you still plan on making updates on this blog...:) yes...we will definetly see eachother at nana nita's christmas extravaganza! i cant believe its almost time for that!
remember when we almost saw dangerous minds? we were so lame!